Free images and image editor. Unsplash and Canva


Image resources - Unsplash free images

Unsplash for free images

Unsplash - an online resource for free images

Unsplash is a site for free images for any kind of use. commercial and non commercial.

It is a website service with lots of images and you can upload you own images under the same lincense.



Image designer - Canva image editor
Canva online image editor at 


Canva is a great online image designer resource for designing images for websites and magazines. An easy interface with lots of quality rendered fonts and images. You can off cause upload your own images. You can work from different computers since everything is stored online on the server. 

Design templates

It has lots of templates different formats 

  • Facebook
    • Cover
  • Logos
  • Videos
  • Instagram

Canva image design templates

The canva design templates drop down helps you with the correct images size

Canva has lots of fonts and is a good editor for smooth text on images.